Yoni Steam Sessions

Yoni Steam Sessions

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30 Minute Personal Steam Session & Complimentary Womb Massage
 You are taking a beautiful step to regaining a state of natural balance & order to your Beautiful Abundant Womb! Nourish your Feminine Essence while experiencing powerful healing from both physical and emotional imbalances. Yoni Steaming, also known as Vaginal Steaming, is the holistic practice of using the warmth of a gentle herbal steam to permeate the exterior of the vagina. 
During your treatment, you will simply sit in Our GodIs Throne that contains the Crystals and the Herbal Recipe; allow the steam to flow upwards.  This process is incredibly nourishing to your feminine essence.  Clients have reported feeling empowered, invigorated, and rejuvenated after yoni steaming sessions.
Yoni steaming has a history in most every culture.  From Africa to Asia to the Caribbean, medicine women have been preparing steams for each other to cleanse the uterus, release toxins, detox, strengthen reproductive organs, and regulate menstrual cycles.  These sessions have connected women for millennia and inspired positive relationships with their feminine energy.
There are many conditions for which yoni steaming is indicated. Women have noticed that it can:

Regulate Irregular and Absent Menstrual Cycles

Increase Fertility

Relieve Chronic BV, Yeast Infections and Some Other Vaginal Issues

Reduce, and actually Melt, Fibroids
Reduce Ovarian Cysts

Relieve Uterine Pain

Speed Weightloss Post Birth

Assist with the Recovery from Vaginal Tear, Episiotomy, and C-Sections

Ease Symptoms of Menopause

Relieve Menstrual Pain

Increase Sexual Desire and Lubrication

Decrease Infection and Odor

Detoxify the Womb

Released Stored Negative Emotions Trapped in the Uterus

Tone the Reproductive System Post-Birth

Significantly Reduce Pain and Bloating due to Menstruation
Our Yoni Steams can be booked for a Private Session or a Sister Session. You will prepare for your steam by answering a short questionnaire about your health history, changing into a provided simple, long wrap dress, and sitting over your personal sauna. Because of this drape, there will be no external exposure of the yoni. Many women feel comfortable experiencing this session with a friend or family member. We will only book dual sessions when requested.

The length of the session may depend on your specific health history as well as your experience with steaming. Your initial session may be only 10 minutes of steaming over relatively low heat. An advanced steam, may be thirty minutes utilizing a higher temperature. Each woman is unique and we want you to have the greatest experience with your yoni steam so our facilitators will prepare you before your session and help answer any questions you may have.
*not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Warning: Do Not Use If Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of your primary care physician or healthcare provider. Like any supplement or herbal product, talk to your doctor before adding our Yoni Steam blends and Herbal Teas to your personal regimine.